Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Couldn't they Dump the Editorial Page Instead?

Word is out that The Washington Times is about to lay off their entire sports department and eliminate the section. I can't imagine this is a good business decision, but the Moonies haven't ever treated the Times like a business anyway, so I guess that's to be expected.

Otherwise, I'll echo Brian Oliver's sentiments and give a hearty thanks to the reporters and columnists at the Times. I tend to be more Post-centric because that's what I get on my doorstep, but I was always impressed with the work that Goessling, Loverro, and Zuckerman did.


Sec314 said...

Well said. I must admit that I have probably bought 20 copies of the Times at most over the past 25 years, but I've read it voraciously on line since the Nats came back to town.

Maybe the Post can replace Chico with the Times guys.

Anonymous said...

The Post will be next. For all intents and purposes, the WT is a thing of the past and the WP will be gone within five years. Goodbye to the newspaper industry and good riddance.